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Boating With Kids: Safety Tips

Living in California provides plenty of opportunities for boating adventures year-round. With great weather and mild seasons, boaters can enjoy their vessels even throughout winter. As spring approaches, it’s time to gear up and get the family out on the water. However, with young ones in tow, a few extra safety precautions are necessary to ensure no mishaps or disasters occur. In addition to keeping the following safety tips in mind, secure your boat and mitigate liability with a comprehensive Boat Insurance Policy.

Life Jackets.

It should go without saying, but life jackets for everyone on board is a must. Your child’s life jacket should fit snugly and have a collar that will turn the child face-up if he or she she enters the water. Choose a jacket or vest that has a handle on it and is brightly colored for high visibility. It is always a good idea to attach a plastic whistle to the life jacket as well, and teach your child to blow it in case of an emergency. Do not allow your child to remove his or her life jacket, even if he or she begins to complain about wearing it, explains Discover Boating. Remember, you never know when a big wake will come or violent weather will rapidly approach, so keep the vest on your child at all times.

Set the rules.

Much like going to the store, riding in the car, or being at home, boaters are encouraged to set ground rules with their kids. Safety comes first, so ensure they do not run on the boat to prevent slipping and falling overboard. Next, stress the importance of distributing weight evenly on smaller boats and explain the dangers of certain parts of the boat to your kids.

Teach swimming skills.

If your children are old enough to learn, now is the time to start swimming lessons. If your children were to fall overboard or if an emergency situation were to occur, knowing how to swim could save your child’s life. Basic skills to teach include: how to float, how to tread water, and how to swim at least one hundred yards in different directions, states the article. Until they’re old enough and are good swimmers, avoiding venturing out into deep waters with them.


About Mariners Insurance

Mariners General Insurance Group was founded in 1959 to protect boat owners and marine business clients. We are marine insurance experts, and provide Boat Insurance worldwide – in every ocean on the planet. Marine insurance is critical if you own a boat or nautical business. Trust the professionals – trust Mariners Insurance. Call us at 888-402-5018 any time you have questions or concerns about insurance for your vessel or marine business.
