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Steps for Having a Safe and Enjoyable Boat Party


Having a safe and enjoyable boat party requires some extraordinary precautions to take before planning the event. The right watercraft liability insurance is essential to planning safe and successful boat parties. You should also consider other factors, including your guest list, safety elements, necessary provisions, and alcohol access.

Safe and Enjoyable Boat Party: Best Methods to Take

If you want to plan a successful, enjoyable boat party that’s as safe as possible, prepare for the event ahead of time and ensure sufficient insurance protection.

Know the Boat Capacity to Reduce Your Watercraft Liability

As you draft your guest list, confirm the boat capacity. Passenger capacity is critical because no one wants to go above the limit that a boat can safely hold. Not only should you be mindful of the boat’s capacity as you draft your guest list, but you should also consider any staff working the event and account for any uninvited guests that may show up. Conduct a headcount at the dock as people board to ensure you don’t exceed capacity.

Ensure Sufficient Access to Safety Equipment

If an emergency arises on the boat, the life jacket supply must be sufficient for everyone on board. Count the life jackets before your party and ensure that you have enough to supply one to every guest on the boat during the party if something happens. In addition, first aid kits are essential safety materials. On board your boat, there should be at least one, if not two. Your yacht insurance policy may require life jackets and first aid kits to be easily accessible.

Be Responsible With Alcohol Access

One of the most significant safety hazards of most boat parties is alcohol consumption. Excess alcohol consumption can lead to irresponsible decisions, unsafe actions, and a lack of inhibitions. That is a dangerous combination on the water. Be responsible with alcohol access on the boat by instituting limits and monitoring guests to prevent intoxication. Check your insurance policy for personal watercraft carefully because it may require restrictions on alcohol consumption on board.

Appoint a Designated Operator

There should be at least two people on board designated as marine operators. They are responsible for ensuring the safe operation of the boat at all times. It allows you to enjoy your party and socialize with your guests without worrying about the boat.

Assess Your Watercraft Liability Insurance

Before planning a boat party, call your insurance agent to review your liability coverage. Subsequently, ensure adequate insurance before you plan that party. Doing this will ensure that you have protection in case of any injury or accident on board. The right liability coverage will address all risks, including trip and fall injuries, illness, and falling overboard. You can enjoy your party without worry when you know that your watercraft liability policy protects you from any potential hazard.

About Mariners Insurance

Mariners General Insurance Group was founded in 1959 to protect boat owners and marine business clients. We are marine insurance experts and insure boats worldwide – in every ocean on the planet. Marine insurance is critical if you own a boat or nautical business. Trust the professionals with all of your Boat Insurance needs – trust Mariners Insurance. Call us at (888) 402-5018 any time you have questions or concerns about insurance for your vessel or marine business.
